Sunday, May 23, 2010


For all of you non-honorary latinas, "dimelo" is an amazing song by or should I say "por" Enrique Iglesias a.k.a el amor de todos las chicas en la casa de espanol, aqui en el FLSR:) bien hecho, Julie. Gracias.

Ok: don't worry. I'm merely congratulating myself for speaking such amazingly native spanish haha.

On a different note, I really want a great camera. Not just a point and click (though that's where my photography abilities currently reside). Today, I took photos for the apartment next door and it really gave me a taste of my alter-ego/persona as a photographer. I mean, ya should have seen how the elements were in my command. I pushed to button, zoomed in and out like a pro... not many people can say the same...

anyway, one day. i want OH MY GOSH- my room mate just sneezed the most gigantic sneeze right next to me as I'm sitting here typing. Not joking people- that thing probably had enough power behind it to fuel a third world country, like Oklahoma or something.

Moving on. I just gave my first legit talk in Church today. I went super bien and now I'm addicted. You all know how much I like talking;) kidding, Bishop, kidding- not that you'd be reading my blog but, on the off chance- I don't want to give you any over-the-top ideas!

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