Saturday, March 13, 2010


What makes one an expert on something? Is it when they've spent 10,000 hours on it? Once they can start using their knowledge of it in other aspects of life? Or when they finally just learn a little ditty about it and are able to convince someone that they know what they're talking about? For instance, What makes you skin pruney?

According to my good friend, it's due to the fact that your body wants to equalize water pressure and therefore your skin's pores expand and then comes pruniness... to use the specific/intelligent/scientific terminology. Oh, she's good. Just like how Plato knows that what makes a chair a chair is its "chairness," duh! I guess one day we'll find out the ins and outs of all of these need-to-know-because-they-are-super-important things! Have you ever noticed how hard it is to write long-winded hyphenated words? be jealous. 'til next time.

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